Laptops are the most desired technology product desired by 6-14-year-olds, according to PlayScience Lab. With the exception of a videogame console, five of the top six technologies on their wish lists are mobile devices.
Kids, unsurprisingly, evolve their must-have products as they age. This is partly due to the fact they might already own items, but also because they become more interested in multi-faceted devices rather than a device that allows them to play games.
For instance, 6-7-year-olds are more than twice as likely as those age 12-14 to want a handheld game system (26% vs. 10%). Conversely, 12-14-year-olds are more likely than 6-7-year-olds to want a netbook (9% vs. 3%) or iPad (26% vs. 14%). Interestingly, the desire to own an iPad drops to 7% for 8-9-year-olds before rising to 14% for 10-11-year-olds. [Technology]
Source: PlayScience Labs, Shari Munoz, Director Research, PO Box 2318, Marion, NC 28752; 646-808-5333;;
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