Only 28% of Americans say they are “very” or “somewhat worried” they will catch COVID-19. The lowest Gallup has recorded since the summer of 2021. The finding from the Oct 11-19 COVID-19 probability-based web panel survey come as a new high of Americans say the pandemic is “over”.
Most say they think COVID-19 infections will increase “a great deal” (15%) or “a moderate amount” (47%) in the fall and winter months. While the combined 62% who say infections will increase is actually lower than in July where it was 66%. The percentage who believe the infections will increase “a great deal” os down more significantly by 8 points from July.
Smaller portions of Americans are reporting avoiding situations because of a coronavirus, including avoiding large crowds (24%), avoiding travel by plane or public transport (19%) avoiding going to public places (16%) and avoiding small gatherings (13%). Use of face masks remains common but the e40% who reported wearing one in the past week when outside the home is also at a new low.
59% of Americans say they have made no attempt to isolate themselves from people outside the household in the last 24 hours. The largest drop in pandemic protocols on the poll. 78% of Americans say they best advice for those who do not have COVID-19 symptoms and are other wise healthy is to just live their normal lives as much as possible and avoid interrupting their work or business. 22% say they believe the best advice is to stay home to avoid contracting or spreading the virus.
The most Americans won’t go so far as to say the pandemic is “over” six in ten are no longer making attempts at social distancing and even more are advising healthy adults to lead as normal lives as possible. And concerns about catching the virus are at a low point.