A new study conducted by addiction resource site, Find Recovery, Tennessee is the state tat misuses pain relievers the most. The study analyzed the percent of people 12 and older who have misused pain killers between 2021 and 2022. The states were then ranked highest rate to lowest of population missing the medications.
- Tennessee-4.01%
Tennessee came in on top with 4.01% of the population over the age of 12 abusing pain medications. The national average of pain reliever misuse is 3.12%. So, Tennessee has a 25% higher rate of misuse.
2. Arkansas-3.92%
Coming in second, Arkansas rate of misuse is 23% than the national average.
3. Nevada-3.79%
Nevada is 19% higher than the national average.
4. Louisiana-3.75%
18% higher than national average.
5. Alabama-3.74%
18% higher, just under Louisiana’s rate.
6. Ohio and Maryland (tie)-3.57%
Ohio and Maryland tied with 3.57% of the population over 12 reporting misuse of pain relievers, 13% higher than the national average.
7. New York-3.49%
11% higher than national average.
8. Missouri-3.40%
9% higher than the national average.
9. Mississippi-3.30%
6% higher than the national average.
5% higher than the national average
Serene Gato, lead contributor at Find Recovery said this about the findings; “Pain killer addiction is a severe epidemic in the US, a reported 9.5 million people abuse opioids, with 98% of them using perscetipion painkillers as their drug of choice.
“The state suffering the most from pain reliever misuse is Tennessee, with a percentage of 4.01% meaning that the state has a 25% higher rate than the national average rate of 3.12%.”