06-15-12 Teens are more likely to crash their automobiles than any other age group, according to the AAA Foundation. In addition, the likelihood of a 16- or 17-year-old driver being killed in a crash, per mile driven, increases with each additional young passenger. To that end, teen drivers’ crash risk increases by 44% with one passenger under age 21, doubles with two passengers, and quadruples with three or more young passengers.
However, not all passengers are dangerous to teen drivers. Carrying at least one passenger over the age 35 reduces a teen driver’s risk of death by 62% and risk of a serious accident by 46%.
The foundation also reports that summer is the deadliest time of year for teen drivers and passengers, with July 4th as the deadliest day. The reason is that teens tend to drive more often and with less supervision than they do during the school year. An average 399 teens die in traffic crashes during the summer months, compared to an average of 346 teen deaths during the school year.
Source: AAA Foundation, Peter Kissinger, President, 607 14th St. NW, #201, Washington, DC 20005; 202-638-5944; www.aaafoundation.org.
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