A majority of travelers make it a point to try the local cuisine when on vacation, including 29% who chose their destination specifically based on the cuisine, according to Hotels.com. At the other end of the spectrum is the 13% of travelers who are not willing to try any local cuisine and 18% who prefer to eat at an American fast food chain instead of a local restaurant.
Four in 10 travelers (40%) take advantage of the breakfast meal plan offered by their hotels — which is often included in the price of the room — and 7% choose an all-inclusive meal plan offered by the hotel. Some 36% of travelers choose to seek out local markets and restaurants rather than eat meals at their hotels. [Travel/Tourism, Food/Beverages]
Source: “What Travelers Prefer To Eat On Vacation,” Hotels.com, Taylor Cole, Director of PR & Social Media, 10440 North Central Expy., #400, Dallas, TX 75231; 469-335-8442; taycole@hotels.com; www.hotels.com.
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