The vast majority of workers (95%) do not expect to work in the same job for the rest of their careers, according to Spherion Staffing Services. In fact, although most workers enj
Pickup Truck Sales Are Projected To Pick Up
Pickup truck sales will account for an 11.4% share of the automotive market in 2010, predicts Edmunds. That represents a continuing decline for the segment, which peaked in 20
Marketing On Social Media, Emerging Platforms
Most marketers and advertisers (63%) have already implemented social media marketing plans, and of those who have not, 62% plan to do so within a year, finds Pivot Conference. |im
Deal Seekers And Shoppers On Social Media
Deal Seekers (30% of online Americans aged 15 and older) and Shoppers (24%) are two segments of online consumers that companies can find on social networks, according to Exact
Social Net Users Welcome Brand Interaction
Americans who actively use social network sites most commonly have profiles on Facebook (90%), reports Invoke Solutions. More than three in 10 (31%) have active accounts on Tw
Young Latinos Text, Call Friends Daily
Most young Hispanics aged 16-25 are in touch with their friends daily, most commonly by text message or cell phone calls, according to Pew Hispanic Center. |image1|Those who are f